Our Approach & Performance

Building up workplace safety

Samsung SDI strives to manage safety & health and hazardous materials so that our employees can work in safe and healthy workplaces. In 2016, our executives claimed that ‘safety is the first principle in the management’ and we worked hard to build safety centered cultures at our workplaces in domestic and overseas as well as in our supply chain. In addition, we offered continuous training and promoted safety cultures to help the employees become aware of the safety in their daily operations and better comply with the laws.

Key strategies of Samsung SDI
Definition & Relevance
  • Safety management activities and the establishment of improvement targets for strengthening safety at Korea and overseas workplaces
Risk & Opportunity
  • Further request to disclose safety and environmental information
  • Sharing and expanding safety culture to the employees and partner companies
Impact boundary
  • Internally : manufacture
사업장 안전강화에 관한 테이블 - Employee’s rate of injury, 2015, 2016, 2017
Employee’s rate of injury 2015 2016 2017
Number of accidents / Total work hours x 1,000,000 0.26 1.28 0.14